Groups & clubs

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Groups & clubs

26 hotel rooms and three holiday apartments make it possible for larger groups and clubs to live together in one house and enjoy a holiday together.
A conservatory and a pavilion in our garden invite you to social gatherings. Our large terrace in the conservatory is also ideal for sitting outside. Cozy barbecue evenings, which we organize for you, often take place here.

Of course, there is also a good selection of chilled drinks.

Our group packages...

...for the summer

Rustic group arrangement

from173,00 €/ p.p. in DBL room

3 days / 2 nights / 2 dinners / extras

at Dümmer Sea

3 days / 2 nights from 10 people
Two nights in a modern hotel room
Delicious breakfast buffet in the cozy breakfast room
A rustic barbecue evening in our garden
A cup of coffee, e.g. in the barn cafe
A spit roast meal in our gardens

Price per person in:

  • Single room
    221,00 €
  • Double room*
    173,00 €
  • Double room* Garden location
    183,00 €
  • Double room* Garden location with balcony
    193,00 €

...für den Winter

Rustic Boßel arrangement

from80,00 €/ p.p. in DBL room

2 days / 1 night / extras

at Dümmer Sea

(01.11. - 31.03.)
One night in a modern hotel room
Delicious breakfast buffet in the cozy breakfast room
A Boßel tour on Lake Dümmer including a selection of drinks
A delicious kale dinner

Price per person in:

  • Single room
    105,00 €
  • Double room*
    80,00 €
  • Double room* Garden location
    85,00 €
  • Double room* Garden location with balcony
    90,00 €

Ganz neu!

Extension offer for group arrangement

from81,50 €/ p.p. in DBL room

1 days / 1 night / extras

at Dümmer Sea

An additional night in a modern hotel room
Delicious breakfast buffet in the cozy breakfast room
A rustic farmer's buffet in the barn café
Visit to the farm shop at the barn café

Price per person in:

  • Single room
    105,50 €
  • Double room*
    81,50 €
  • Double room* Garden location
    86,50 €
  • Double room* Garden location with balcony
    91,50 €
  • Covered wagon ride
    200,00 €
    90 minutes in Brockum at the Scheunencafé (price per covered wagon)

* Prices based on double room occupancy by 2 people

As of 01/2025 all previous price lists are hereby no longer valid

Eat & Drink

Rustic barbecue buffet

The barbecue buffet in our lovingly landscaped garden includes various salads, side dishes, sauces and delicious meat specialties from the local family butcher. Enjoy, for example as a group, a rustic and cozy evening in our garden. Seating for up to 60 people is available. Our inexpensive beverage service completes this offer.
Price per person: 27.50 €

Spit roast food

When eating a spit roast, we cook different types of spit roast for several hours on our special grill. The spit roasts are marinated in various spice and herb mixtures for a day beforehand. As a side dish, we make delicious fried potatoes and also have a side dish buffet with various salads and sauces.
Price per person: 27.50 €


As a Hotel Garni, we otherwise have no warm kitchen / no restaurant business. You can spontaneously choose between different restaurants in town or around the Dümmer See. The local restaurants can be reached on foot in a few minutes. We will advise you and will be happy to take care of the reservations for your colleagues.

Beer garden

In our beer garden we have created various amenities for small and large social gatherings. You can retreat undisturbed to a seating area and listen to the splashing of the fountain over a glass of champagne or sit comfortably with the whole club and enjoy a delicious beer. Seating for up to 60 people is available.

However, the consumption of drinks you have brought with you is not permitted anywhere in our beer garden!